
Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is self-awareness and the ability to manage emotions empathically, compassionately and clearly.

By developing emotional intelligence, we have a greater capacity to navigate life‘s challenges.

Without sufficient emotional intelligence, we are at the whim of life’s ups and downs, riding a roller coaster of good and bad.

Emotional Intelligence involves :

- understanding how we operate internally

- knowing what our needs are and how to meet those needs on our own

- knowing what our expectations are and how to adjust them to meet reality

- knowing what our wounding is and how to attune to and meet that wounding empathically

- knowing how we react and how to manage that reactivity when we are triggered

- having the ability to take a pause before reacting

- knowing how to give space to feelings allowing them to move through

- knowing how to distinguish between thoughts and feelings

- knowing how to meet our fear as a feeling

- knowing how to have compassion for ourselves and others

- knowing how to relate to ourselves and others authentically

- knowing how to stand in our innate power

- knowing how to be vulnerable

- knowing how to be open hearted

- knowing how to connect with ourselves and others

- knowing how to be mindful, etc.

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